Friday, November 9, 2012

Yu Yu Hakusho: Anime

Season 1: Spirit Detective Saga
This mostly centers in how Yusuke begins his life as a Detective for the underworld and forms a team with Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama, defeating several monsters in the way. Also, we know that Yusuke begins his training with Genkai in this season.

Season 2: Dark Tournament Saga
This season relates about Toguro, a character we got to see in the final chapters of season one, a human that turned into a monster and sold his soul to be the strongest one on earth. He invites Yusuke and this team to the Dark Tournament. We also find out about the past of Genkai with Toguro.

Season 3: Chapter Black Saga
Our heroes return victorious from the island, but they didn’t know what they left behind. The dream of opening a rift between Ningenkai (Human World) and Makai (Demon World) is still on someone’s mind. Now Yusuke and their friends must learn to fight in different “planes” which not only include brute force, but intelligence and cleverness.

Season 4: Three Kings Saga
Yusuke is still shocked of his origins. We don’t get to see much of Kurama on this season as he’s dealing with “human” issues like getting into a good college while Hiei, Kurama and Yusuke receive invitations to join the three kings of the Makai (Demon World). Will they have to fight each other?

The anime was a good example on how one must not spoil the basics and get them better instead. Both manga and anime of Yu Yu Hakusho are worthy of a gold star.


  1. This was indeed a good anime, I remember watching at least the first 2 seasons, I'm afraid of having missed the last one for sure

    1. Yes it was. I miss when channels like CN used to have it on their programation..

  2. On my "to watch" list.
